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Supervisor Cuts Time On Employees Unpaid Lunches And Asks Them To Add Overtime, It Backfires

This supervisor is a perfect example of a Karen complaining about every single thing.

Finding good bosses in an organization is literally like finding a treasure under the ground using those funny yellow maps. Only Indiana Jones can do such things and he is a fictional character. Now a does, there is no work being done on employee facilitation or even customer facilitation if I am being brutally honest, organizations are only thinking about ways to achieve immediate gains and cutting costs by any means necessary. I think that is the reason why our planet is deteriorating at the speed it is. No management tries to protect the rights of their employees.


One team lead at a company had this habit of taking extra time than what is given to eat their lunch and when they were called in by the supervisor, they said it was a favor to the company as this would help lessen his overtime and company wouldn’t have to pay him. That would’ve helped increase their profits but the supervisor didn’t understand one bit of that and used their superiority to tell the team lead to finish lunch in time and put in all the required overtime hours. Turns out, that wasn’t very good advice as the whole strategy backfired on the manager.

Now I won’t tell you how it backfired because OP has posted the entire story on Reddit and we have compiled it for you guys here. Read it for yourself to find out what really happened when the this employee decided to comply with what his supervisor asked him to do.

Scroll down to enjoy some corporate drama!

1. Looks like someone is going to be very mad at the end of this story.


Via Reddit

2. OP is a slow eater and she got called in by the supervisor for that. The person who complained was also there.


Via Reddit

3. Apparently OP’s slow eating was impacting the operations and the supervisor demanded her to be on time from now on.


Via Reddit

4. OP is definitely getting on the supervisor’s nerves with questioning like that.


Via Reddit

5. This is what happens when an employee and their supervisor are not on the same page.


Via Reddit

6. Looks like OP was ready to comply to “do better” in a way the supervisor won’t ever forget.


Via Reddit

7. The climax is killing me. Why did OP get a really big paycheque? Maybe they started doing way better than expected.

Via Reddit

8. Oh my god, OP actually ended up complying so well, they refused to give them over time because he ended up making too much money.


What even are these supervisors…lol.

Via Reddit

9. Ladies and gentlemen, the bomb has been dropped.

Via Reddit

10. This will teach them a lesson. OP was always in their favor, they were too late to understand that.


He had made ample cash by then.

Via Reddit

11. An interesting fact.

Via Reddit

Wow! I swear who puts these people in positions of supervisors when they cannot understand anything at all. Op basically used up more time than the pre-set lunchtime in order to cut down on his overtime. The extra time that he took to eat his lunch was unpaid so technically by cutting on overtime, he was doing a favor to the company. I don’t know what part of that they didn’t understand and when OP was asked to comply to give all the required hours needed for overtime and don’t spend a minute over the pre-set lunchtime. OP complied and ended up making so much money that they had to stop giving her overtime and extra lunch hours because they were too dumb to understand that he was doing them a favor all this time.

This was so hilarious to see the company falling into its own trap. At least next time they would know that not every employee will conform to them quietly, some of them know how to deal.

Here’s what the internet users had to say on the matter:

12. You can’t really blame the coworkers as you don’t know what conditions they are coming from but the supervises should definitely be reported.


Via Reddit

13. Sorry, they will have to find employees without brain cells if they want it both ways.

Via Reddit

14. Cultures can vary quite a lot even in branches of the same organization.


Via Reddit

15. What is it with all these supervisors asking for overtime, then not giving the overtime, and asking the employees to substitute it for long lunch hours. Pathetic.



People who work at such organizations are basically wasting their skills and time. Apply for somewhere better while you still can.

Via Reddit

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